Indigenous Studies and Learning T3, 2015
Order Description
The following book must be used as reference and most of all the strategies will be found in the text. Harrison, N (2011). Teaching and Learning in Aboriginal Education (2nd edn). South Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195574593. Other resources should be used as well to support the strategies. I will attach the task marking criteria and task detail breakdown.
Task Details
1. You must identify strategies that show consideration of students’ cultural, linguistic and identity needs AND strategies for working effectively and sensitively with families and communities to support the learning and engagement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. Your work can be presented in a format of your choice such as a table, matrix, written report or a multimodal form that includes diagrams, flowcharts or any other format suitable for identifying and describing the chosen strategies. A word limit of 800 words (or equivalent for tables, diagrams, etc) applies to this section of the task.
2. You will write a justification of no more than 1000 words that clearly explains why these strategies would meet the learning, language, cultural and identity needs of Indigenous learners and that identifies any limitations on the effectiveness of these strategies in a range of different contexts. This justification should consider the diversity of needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in rural, remote and urban areas and educational settings made up solely of Indigenous learners as well as those where only a small minority of students are Indigenous. The justification should be supported by references from course readings and your set text. Thank you.